blastersoftheuniverse My Blog Guardian’s Handbook: Essential Tips For Newcomers To Destiny 2

Guardian’s Handbook: Essential Tips For Newcomers To Destiny 2

Are you a newcomer to the world of Destiny 2? Welcome! This game has been drawing in gamers for years, and its sequel is sure to be no different. To ensure that your experience with this popular shooter-RPG hybrid is as great as it can possibly be, we present the Guardian’s Handbook: Essential Tips for Newcomers to Destiny 2!

This guide will provide all the information you need for successful navigation of the world of Destiny 2. It includes everything from classes, weapons, gear, and more – so you can start off on the right foot when playing this incredible game! We have compiled some of our best tips and advice here in one place just for you.

So get ready to become an expert Guardian; let’s dive into what makes Destiny 2 such a beloved title across gaming communities around the globe. With these essential tips in hand, embarking on your journey through space won’t seem like such a daunting task anymore!

Overview Of Destiny 2

Many gamers may be hesitant to jump into the world of Destiny 2, but it’s a great game for newcomers and veterans alike. With its expansive universe, thrilling adventures, and challenging cooperative play, this sci-fi shooter is packed with action that will keep you coming back for more.

Destiny 2 brings together the perfect mix of everything that made the first game so much fun while introducing new features designed to make your experience even better. From exploring an ever-changing environment filled with alien races and powerful enemies to customizing your Guardian character with unique abilities, weapons, gear, and vehicles – there’s something here for everyone. And if you choose to join up with friends in cooperative battles or PvP matches, you’ll find yourself right at home in this dynamic world.

The destiny 2 universe has plenty to offer those looking for a fun time on their own or as part of a team. Now let’s explore how you can customize your Guardian with character classes and subclasses!

Character Classes And Subclasses

When you begin your journey in Destiny 2, you’ll be asked to choose a character class. Each class has its own unique set of abilities and subclasses that can help give you an edge when it comes to combat. Let’s take a look at the three classes available:

  • Titans – These characters are heavily armored and specialize in close-range fighting. They have access to various powerful abilities like Sentinel Shield and Hammer Strike that can easily turn the tide of battle.
  • Hunters – This class is more agile than the Titan but less durable, making them ideal for quick strikes and long-distance engagements. With special passive abilities like Gunslinger or Arcstrider, they can quickly move around the battlefield while dealing large amounts of damage.
  • Warlocks – The most magical of all classes, these characters use their arcane powers to wield devastating elemental attacks such as Dawnblade or Stormtrance against their foes.

No matter which class you choose, each one provides different advantages during combat situations so it’s important to consider which one will suit your playing style best before diving into battle! Now let’s move on to learning about some essential combat strategies…

Combat Strategies

The battlefield of Destiny 2 is a complex one. As Guardians, we must be prepared to face the many challenges that await us on our journey. Combat Strategies are essential for any Guardian looking to survive and thrive in this new world. From engagement techniques to fireteam tactics, there’s much to learn if you’re hoping to stand victorious against your enemies.

It pays off greatly when familiarizing yourself with different roles your guardian can take during battle. Each class has its own unique set of combat tips that could mean life or death in certain scenarios. For example, Warlocks make great healers while Titans provide strong defense when it comes time to engage large hordes of foes—they’re both important roles in any team composition. Knowing all the possibilities when creating your ideal fireteam will give you an edge over other guardians who may not be as well versed in these strategies.

With knowledge comes power; understanding how best to apply combat strategies within the game will help ensure success in future engagements. Taking the time now to prepare yourself for what lies ahead will ultimately lead you towards victory later down the line – no matter what type of enemy awaits!

Raids And Strikes

Raids and Strikes are two of the most challenging endgame activities in Destiny 2. Raid bosses offer some of the toughest battles in the game, with complex raid mechanics that must be mastered to succeed. Strike missions require skillful coordination among your fireteam as you face off against powerful enemies on a mission for victory. Nightfall strikes are even more intense, pushing teams to their limits as they fight against time constraints.

Each activity offers its own unique rewards if completed successfully, making them well worth pursuing by any serious Guardian looking for a challenge. With enough practice and dedication, you can become an expert at both raids and strikes – giving yourself access to some of the best loot in all of Destiny 2!

Collectibles And Rewards

Collectibles and rewards are one of the best parts about playing Destiny 2. There is a wide range of items to collect across all the game’s worlds, from rare loot drops to vendor rewards.

Loot DropsLegendary GearAnywhere in Game World
Vendor RewardsShaders & EmblemsSocial Spaces/Planetside Vendors
Rare ItemsExotic Engrams & Ghost ShellsRaids/Strikes/Adventure Missions

Players should keep an eye out for hidden chests tucked away in corners or behind walls as they explore each area – these can hold valuable weapons, armor pieces, emblems and more. It’s also worth keeping track of where you find certain vendors located so that when you come back around again their inventory may have changed. Keep your eyes peeled while exploring; there could be something new just waiting to be discovered!

The reward system in Destiny 2 provides plenty of incentive for players who take the time to search every corner and complete objectives. With a variety of collectible rewards and locations to choose from, it’s easy for newcomers to get lost in the hunt for powerful gear and rare items. Now let’s look at how we can use weapon mods and upgrades to personalize our loadout even further…

Weapon Mods And Upgrades

Weapon mods and upgrades can be a game-changer for newcomers to Destiny 2. Players have an array of options from which to choose when it comes to mod customization, upgrade strategies and combinations that offer unique benefits. The possibilities are almost endless!

For starters, let’s take a look at the weapon mods available in the game. As you progress through the game, your weapons will gain access to more powerful mods as well as perks such as increased damage or fire rate bonuses. From there, you’ll want to think about how best to combine these different mods with each other to maximize their effectiveness. You could opt for maximum firepower by combining multiple damage boostmods together, or go for utility by adding on some extra range or accuracy boosts. It all depends on what style of play suits you best!

Of course, you’ll also need to consider how much Glimmer (in-game currency) these customizations will cost – but once you find the perfect combination of mods and upgrades for your favorite guns, there’s no limit to what kind of havoc you can wreak in Crucible multiplayer mode.

Crucible Multiplayer Mode

The Crucible Multiplayer Mode in Destiny 2 is an intense Player vs. Player (PvP) experience that will test your skills as a Guardian! The mode offers rewards for completing matches, and you can customize your loadout to fit any playstyle. You’ll face off against other players in a variety of game modes such as Control, Clash, Supremacy, Countdown, and more. Each mode has its own unique objectives that must be completed in order to win the match. With so many different maps and game types available, there’s plenty of opportunities to show off your combat prowess.

You won’t just be fighting for glory though; winning matches also earns you valuable rewards like weapons, armour, gear mods and much more. It’s no surprise then that the Crucible is one of the most popular multiplayer activities in Destiny 2 – it offers great rewards with lots of fun gameplay! So if you’re looking for a challenge or simply want something new to try out, why not jump into the Crucible?

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Best Way To Level Up My Guardian Quickly?

Are you looking for the quickest way to level up your Guardian in Destiny 2? According to recent data, over 70% of players use some form of XP farming to quickly increase their experience points. With that being said, here are some helpful tips and tricks on how to grind your way through levels with ease.

The fastest methods for leveling up often involves killing enemies or completing missions as efficiently as possible. If you find yourself stuck in a rut while trying to gain XP, try searching out public events or heroic adventures which offer bonus rewards for completion. Additionally, take advantage of daily bounties offered by quest givers since these provide increased opportunities for gaining experience points. It may also be beneficial to join an active fireteam as this will allow you access to more challenging content such as raids and strikes which reward bigger chunks of xp upon successful completion.

Another great way to maximize your grinding potential is by equipping powerful gear and weapons before embarking on any mission. Try experimenting with different armor sets and weapon combinations until you find something that best suits your play style. Furthermore, don’t forget about the various bounty boards scattered throughout each destination – they can help boost your progress significantly! Keep an eye out for special challenges or limited-time events too; these usually have exclusive rewards tailored towards helping Guardians reach higher levels faster than usual.

So if you’re looking for ways to get ahead in Destiny 2, remember: efficient grinding is key! Utilize all the resources available at your disposal and strive towards high-level objectives whenever possible – it’ll definitely pay off in the end!

How Do I Unlock New Weapon Mods And Upgrades?

Unlocking new weapon mods and upgrades is an important part of progressing in Destiny 2. By equipping your Guardian with the best weapons, you can increase their power level and take on more challenging content. In this article, we’ll discuss how to unlock weapon mods and upgrades in Destiny 2 so that you can make sure your Guardian’s arsenal is up to date!

Destiny 2 offers a wide variety of weapon mods and upgrades for players to unlock. To do so, you will need to find certain items throughout the game world or purchase them from vendors. These items include Ascendant Shards, Weapon Parts, Upgrade Modules, Etheric Light, Legendary Engrams and Exotic Engrams. Collecting these items will allow you to upgrade your guardian’s weapons with higher-level mods and upgrades.

It is also possible to obtain weapon mod schematics which provide access to additional powerful item effects such as increased damage or ammo capacity when applied correctly. You may also use exotic catalysts found in dungeons or raids to further enhance the performance of your guardian’s weapons by unlocking special perks associated with each weapon type. With some careful planning and dedication, it’s possible to reach the highest levels of weapon mastery in Destiny 2 – ensuring that your guardian always has the upper hand against enemies!

What Are The Differences Between The Different Character Classes?

As any experienced Guardian will tell you, the cornerstone of success in Destiny 2 lies in understanding your character class. With three distinct classes – Titan, Warlock and Hunter – each bringing their own unique strengths and weaknesses to every mission, it pays to familiarise yourself with the differences between them. But what exactly sets these classes apart? Let’s take a look at how they stack up against one another.

One thing all Guardians have in common is access to subclasses; special abilities that can be tailored to suit certain roles or strategies. For example, Titans are known for their resilience on the battlefield thanks to defensive-based subclass options such as Sentinel and Sunbreaker. Warlocks bring powerful elemental attacks into battle via Voidwalker and Stormcaller while Hunters rely heavily on agility and stealth using Gunslinger and Nightstalker. Each subclass offers its own set of skills which players can use strategically depending on the situation they find themselves in.

Ultimately, when trying to decide which class is right for you, consider both your playstyle preferences as well as the type of content you plan to pursue most often. Whether you’re an aggressive player who prefers close-quarters combat or prefer playing from afar by picking off enemies from range, there’s no doubt that one of Destiny 2’s character classes has something for everyone. Be sure to give each option an honest try before deciding where best your talents lie!

How Do I Increase My Chances Of Success In Raids And Strikes?

If you’re looking to increase your chances of success in raids and strikes, there are plenty of winning strategies that can help. Raids and Strikes provide some of the most challenging content available in Destiny 2, so it’s important to know what tips and tricks will give you the best chance for victory. It doesn’t matter if you’re a new or veteran player; with these hints and tactics, anyone can maximize their potential for success when taking on raids and strikes.

When preparing for a raid or strike, one of the most essential things is to understand each enemy type’s strengths and weaknesses. Knowing how to anticipate an enemy’s attack patterns can be really helpful when trying to come up with effective strategies. Additionally, being familiar with your weapons’ range, damage output, reload speed, etc., is also key to having an edge over adversaries during conflicts. With this knowledge firmly within reach, players should have no trouble coming up with successful raid strategies that take full advantage of their gear loadouts.

Teamwork is also incredibly important when tackling difficult challenges like raids or strikes. When playing cooperatively with others who all bring different skillsets to the table (i.e., long-range combat vs close-quarter skirmishes), it becomes much easier to devise battle plans that make use of everyone’s individual talents. By working together as a cohesive unit, players can figure out which tactics work best against certain enemies – increasing their odds for victory substantially!

How Do I Get Started In The Crucible Multiplayer Mode?

Getting started in the Crucible multiplayer mode of Destiny 2 can be an intimidating prospect. With all the strategies, loadouts, and character classes to consider, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But with a few helpful tips and tricks, anyone can jump right into the action and have a great time!

First off, familiarize yourself with the various game modes available in the Crucible. This includes Control-style matches which pits teams against each other for control over three zones; Clash-style games that are deathmatch variants; Supremacy-style matches where players fight for possession of crests dropped by fallen enemies; and Survival-style games where two teams compete to see who can score more kills before their shared pool of lives runs out. Knowing what each style entails will give you an edge when playing in these exciting PvP battles.

Next up is understanding your loadout options and choosing one that fits your play style best. There are four main weapon categories – primary weapons like assault rifles or shotguns, secondary weapons such as pistols or sniper rifles, heavy weapons like rocket launchers or miniguns, and special items such as grenades or powerups. Additionally there are several different character classes to choose from depending on whether you prefer close combat or ranged fighting styles. Determining which combination works best for you will maximize your chances of success in competitive multiplayer scenarios.

So if you’re looking to dive headfirst into Destiny 2’s intense crucible multiplayer experience then keep these important tips in mind: understand the various game modes available, craft a killer loadout suited to your individual preferences, and utilize your chosen class’s unique strengths accordingly. Once armed with this knowledge you’ll be ready to dominate any match thrown at you!


Destiny 2 is an incredible game with so much to explore and experience. Despite the overwhelming amount of content, a little bit of guidance can go a long way in helping you feel comfortable jumping into the world of Destiny 2. With these essential tips for newcomers, you’ll be able to level up quickly, unlock new weapons and upgrades, understand each character class, increase your chances of success in Raids and Strikes, and even get started in the Crucible Multiplayer Mode.

The only real obstacle standing between you and becoming a Guardian is taking that first step. You may worry about not having enough time or skill to progress through the game – but don’t let this stop you! All it takes is commitment and dedication; once you set aside some time every day to play, you will start seeing results almost immediately. As soon as you make that leap and become part of this amazing universe, there’s no telling what kind of epic journey awaits you!

So if you’re ready to take on the challenge then pick up your controller (or mouse) and dive headfirst into all that Destiny 2 has to offer. From exploring ancient ruins to facing off against formidable foes in intense battles – now is your chance to prove yourself as one of the greatest Guardians out there!


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